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Loyola University Chicago                                                Department of Philosophy                                            1032 W. Sheridan Road

Chicago, IL 60660-1537

Phone: (219) 252-0177





PhD.   University of Notre Dame: Philosophy, 2012

M.A.   University of Notre Dame: Philosophy, 2008

B.A.    University of California, Los Angeles: Philosophy, 2004



2023 - Associate Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago

2018- 2023 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago         

2015 – 2018. Postdoctoral Fellow,

Saint Louis University

2012 – 2015. Postdoctoral Fellow,

City University of Hong Kong


Ethics, East Asian Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy




2020. Confucianism and the Philosophy of Well-Being (Routledge)

Articles and Book Chapters

2025. (forthcoming) “Well-Being in Early Chinese Philosophy” in Oxford Handbook of Chinese Philosophy, (ed.) Justin Tiwald, Oxford University Press. 


2024. "Moral Agency, Situationism, and Virtue: Xunzi on Moral Development" in Moral Agency in Eastern and Western Thought, (eds.) Jonathan Jacobs and Heinz Meyer, Routledge.


2024. “How Confucian Values Shape the Moral Boundaries of Family Caregiving” (with Helen Chan et. al.) in Nursing Ethics: Normative Foundations, Advanced Concepts, and Emerging Issues, (eds.) Michael J. Deem and Jennifer Hagerty Lingler, Oxford University Press.


2021. “Well-Being and Health” (with Daniel Haybron). Special Issue on well-being and the philosophy of medicine in Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46(6): 645-655.

2021. “Skill, Practice, and Virtue: Some Questions and Objections for Stalnaker” Philosophy East and West 71: 520-524.

2021. “Neo-Aristotelian Naturalism, Natural Law, and Objectivity” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95(2): 291-297.

2020. “Well-Being, Eudaimonia, and Nature-Fulfillment” in Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action., Vol. 8: Aristotelian Naturalism, (ed.) Martin Hähnel, Springer.


2020. "Natural Law in Mencius and Aquinas" forthcoming in Confucianism and Catholicism, (eds.) Michael Slater, Erin Cline, and Philip Ivanhoe, University of Notre Dame Press.

2019. "Daoism, Flourishing, and Gene Editing" forthcoming in Human Flourishing in an Age of Gene Editing, (eds.) Erik Parens and Josephine Johnston, Oxford University Press.

2018. “Human Nature and Moral Sprouts: Mencius on the Pollyanna Problem” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99(1)

2018. “Confucius and the Meaning of Life” (with Johsua Seachris), The Meaning of Life and the Great Philosophers, (eds.) Stephen Leach and James Tartaglia, New York: Routledge 

2018. “Confucian Virtue Ethics and Business” with Javier Cuervo, Richard Roque, and Reuben Mondejar in Business Ethics: A Virtue Ethics and Common Good Approach (eds.) Alejo Jose G. Sison, Ignacio Ferrero, and Gregorio Guitian, New York: Routledge

2016. “Well-Being and Confucianism” in Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Well-Being, ed. Guy Fletcher

2016. “Early Confucianism and Contemporary Moral Psychology” Philosophy Compass

2016. “Confucianism and Non-human Animal Sacrifice” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8:1

2016. “Filial Piety and Business Ethics: A Confucian Reflection” in Springer Handbook on Virtue Ethics in Business and Management, ed. Chris Provis, with Reuben Mondejar and Chris C. Chu  

2015. “The Role of Human Nature in Moral Inquiry: MacIntyre, Mencius, and Xunzi” History of Philosophy Quarterly 32:4

2015. “Human Nature and Animal Nature: The Horak Debate and Its Philosophical Significance” International Philosophical Quarterly 55:4

Revised and reprinted in Traditional Korean Philosophy: Problems and Debates (eds.) Youngsun Back and Philip J. Ivanhoe), Rowman and Littlefield International.


"The Continuity Problem in Aristotle and Mencius's Solution" (under review)

"Suffering and the Good Life" (in progress)


Review of Linda Zagzebski's Exemplarist Moral Theory (in progress for Faith and Philosophy)

Review of Anna Alexandrova's A Philosophy for the Science of Well-Being, forthcoming in Utilitas  

Review of Neera Badhwar’s Well-Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life, forthcoming in Journal of Moral Philosophy

Review of Hongkyung Kim's The Analects of Dasan, Volume I: A Korean Syncretic Reading. Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 2017

Review of Terence Irwin's The Development of Ethics: A Historical and Critical Study, Part 19 on Aquinas: The Ultimate End, pp. 283-284. The Philosophical Forum, Vol. 52, No. 3 (2011)


2023. "Habituation, Nature, and Sprouts: Aristotle and Mencius on Moral Development," Colloquium Talk, Carleton College.

2022. "Habituation, Nature, and Sprouts: Aristotle and Mencius on Moral Development," Colloquium Talk, Northern Illinois University.

2022. “Agency and Ritual: Xunzi’s Account of Moral Development.” Conference on Crafting Character: The Skill to Shape Second Nature, The Role of Law, Institutions, and Moral Agency in Eastern and Western Ethical Thought,” John Jay College, New York City.

2021. “Roots of Humanity: Lessons from Confucianism.” Killeen Chair Lecture, St. Norbert College.

2021. “Habituation, Nature, and Sprouts: Aristotle and Mencius on Moral Development” Confucian Philosophy Lecture Series (유가철학 초청강연), Seoul National University.

2021. “Habituation, Nature, and Sprouts: Aristotle and Mencius on Moral Development” Practical Philosophy Workshop, University of Chicago.

2020. “Confucianism and Natural Law in Mencius and Aquinas,” Invited Lecture for the Angelicum, Rome.

2020. “Today and Tomorrow: Prioritizing the Present in the Time of COVID" Siena College (Panel Participant).


2020. “The Role of Negative Emotions in the Good Life: Lessons from Zhuangzi” Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago.


2019. "The Role of Negative Emotions in the Good Life: Lessons from Zhuangzi" Columbia Society of Comparative Philosophy, Columbia University, New York City.


2018. "Confucianism: Joy Along the Way" Theology of Joy and the Good Life, Yale University, New Haven.


2017. "Is the Dao Good For You?" A Conference Honoring the Memory of Jiyuan Yu, University of Buffalo, NY.


2017. "Human Nature and Moral Development" University of San Francisco, CA.


2016. "Friendship and Well-Being" Clark University, Worcester.


2016. “Daoism, Well-Being, and Gene Editing” Hastings Center, Garrison, NY.


2016. “Friendship and Well-Being” Saint Louis University, St. Louis.


2016. “Early Confucianism and Contemporary Moral Psychology” Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, Washington D.C.


2016. “Friendship and Well-Being” Valparaiso University, Valparaiso.


2015. “Well-Being and Confucianism: Mencius, Alienation, and the Shape of a Life” Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic.


2015. “Well-Being and Confucianism: Mencius, Alienation, and the Shape of a Life” Lawrence University, Appleton.


2014. “The Role of Human Nature in Ethical Inquiry: MacIntyre, Mencius, and Xunzi” Virtue, Medicine, and Modern Moral Philosophy: A Conference in Honor of David Solomon, University of Notre Dame, South Bend.


2014. “A Mengzian Response to the Pollyanna Problem” Pacific Division of the American

Philosophical Association, San Diego.


2014. “Well-Being and Confucianism” Aquinas College, Grand Rapids.


2014. “Well-Being and Confucianism” Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, Chicago.


2013. “Grounding Filial Duty” Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.


2013. “Grounding Filial Duty” Lingnan University, Hong Kong.


2013. “What Is This Thing Called Well-Being?” University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


2012. “Is Non-Human Animal Sacrifice Necessary for the Confucian Tradition?”

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


2012. “What Is This Thing Called Well-Being?” University of Notre Dame, South Bend.


2011. “Is Meaning or Significance Possible in a Non-Theistic Framework?”

Ethics and Culture Center Conference, University of Notre Dame, South Bend.


2011. “Well-Being, Choiceworthiness, and Self-Sacrifice” Graduate Research Seminar,

University of Notre Dame, South Bend.



2022. Colloquium, Bioethics, Central APA (Commentator)

2022. The Concept of Shame and Emptiness in Korean Philosophy, North American Korean Philosophy Association, Central APA (Chair)

2018. Colloquium, "Epistemic Virtues" by Michael Bukoski, Central Division of the American Philosophical Association (Chair)

2014. Korean Neo-Confucianism, North American Korean Philosophy Association, Eastern APA (Commentator)

2013. Korean and Comparative Philosophy and History of Philosophy, Korea University

(Session Chair)

2013. Hong Kong Metaethics Conference, Lingnan University (Session Chair)

2012. Korean and Comparative Political Philosophy Workshop, Seoul National University (Session Chair)

2011. Aquinas and Contemporary Ethical Theory, Lumen Christi Institute, University of

Chicago (Invited Participant)

2010. Thomistic Seminar on Aesthetics and Morality: Thomistic and Contemporary

Philosophical Approaches, Witherspoon Institute, Princeton University

(Invited Participant)



Loyola Summer Research Stipend for Book Project: Habituation: An Essay on Moral Development, 2022.                                                                                      

Kaneb Teaching Award for Outstanding Graduate Student TA, 2009

Notre Dame Dissertation Fellowship, Fall 2009

Notre Dame Philosophy Department Fellowship, 2006-2007




Classical Chinese (scholarly reading knowledge)


Modern Korean (fluent speaking, proficient reading, proficient writing)

English (native fluency in reading, writing, and speaking)


Loyola University Chicago

Asian Philosophy, Spring 2021

Philosophy of Well-Being, Fall 2020

Classical Chinese Philosophy, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020

Philosophy and Persons, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020

Conceptions of Virtue, Fall 2018 (Graduate Seminar)

Saint Louis University

Happiness: East and West, Fall 2016, Instructor


City University of Hong Kong


Ethics in Government, Fall 2014, Tutor

Ethics and Public Policy, Spring 2014, Tutor


University of Notre Dame

Introduction to Philosophy, Fall 2011, Instructor

Introduction to Philosophy, Spring 2010, Instructor

Introduction to Philosophy, Fall 2010, Instructor

Morality and Modernity, Spring 2009, Teaching-Assistant (for W. David Solomon)

Medical Ethics, Fall 2009, Teaching-Assistant (for W. David Solomon)

Morality and Modernity, Spring 2008, Teaching Assistant (for W. David Solomon)

Medical Ethics, Fall 2008, Teaching-Assistant (for W. David Solomon)

Introduction to Philosophy, Fall 2007, Teaching-Assistant (for Marian David)



Undergraduate Philosophy Club Advisor, 2019-2021
Undergraduate Advisor for Samantha Chipman, Ricci Scholar, 2020 
Member of the Program Committee for the 2021 Central American Philosophical Association
MA Paper Director for An Vu (Projected completion date: May 2021)
MA Paper Director for Mark Blancke (Projected completion date: May 2021)
MA Paper Defense Committee for Erin James Kast, “Metaphysics for a Meaningful Universe: A Challenge to Absurdity and the Case for Meaning in the Cosmos”, May 2020
MA Paper Defense Committee for Conan Rainwater, “Tune Your Guitar Strings and Dance to the Music: How a Jesuit Way of Proceeding Invites us to Dwell in the Tensions of Polarities”, April 2020
Member of the Mission Advisory Council, 2020
Dissertation Proposal Committee Member for Jay Carlson, 2019

Reviewer for the Following Journals: American Philosophical Quarterly, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, British Journal of the History of Philosophy, Dao, Constellations, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, International Journal of Well-Being, Journal of Philosophical Research, Journal of Religious Ethics, Journal of Social Philosophy, Journal of Value Inquiry, Neuroethics, Philosophical Psychology, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, Philosophy East and West, Utilitas  




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